Trymore Tagwirei
The ongoing wet spell continues to push dam levels in the Runde Catchment upwards with an average catchment level standing at 69.8%with an increase of 4.2% as of January 15, 2024 compared to previous recordings
ZINWA Runde Catchment Corporate Communications Officer Obert Muchena said the overall average dam levels for Runde Catchment was 69.8%, and he urged communities particularly on the downstream not to cross flooded rivers.
“I encourage the public, particularly those who stay downstream of the dams to desist from crossing flooded rivers and to stay on high alert all the times during the rains.
The largest inland lake, Tugwi-Mkosi had recorded a significant of 5.4% increase it stood at 65.9% full. Mtirikwi was 85.6% full, a 2.3% increase from recordings of the previous week. Tokwane, which is a smaller dame, was almost full at 98.1%.
Manyuchi, which supplies Mwenezi, Rutenga and some parts of Mberengwa, had gone up by 25% and was at 87.5% full. Similarly, Bangala had risen to 41.2%, a significant 11.6% increase from last week.
In Gutu, Woodlands and Taramura dams had stagnated at 63.5% and 27.5% respectively. No change was recorded at Mashoko Dam which had retained its 26.4%level from the previous week.
Manjirenji, which supplies Mkwasine sugarcane estates, performed badly at 14.4% but had started going up with a marginal 15% increase. Matezva (pictured) in Bikita was at 58.4% while Muzhwi, along Shashe River, was at 95.7%, representing a 4.1% and 5.2% increase respectively.