…unlimited fuel for his top-of-the-range car …huge entertainment allowances …elite club and gym subscriptions Upenyu Chaota Under-fire Masvingo Town Clerk Edward Mukaratirwa grossed employment benefits running into hundreds of thousands of dollars during his...
Town Clerk ‘ripped off’ ratepayers by purchasing his own Land Cruiser Prado at more than double its market value Upenyu Chaota Corruption-accused Masvingo Town Clerk Edward Mukaratirwa will next week return to court in...
Sofia Mapuranga HARARE – There is need to equip grassroots and marginalised communities with skills and knowledge to fight all forms of disinformation and misinformation. This was highlighted by Tawanda Majoni, an advocate of...
Stanley Gutu MASVINGO Sting evictions sponsored by the government early this year have worsened living conditions for hundreds of people formerly and currently settled on land straddling a huge portion of the Lake Mutirikwi...
Stanslous Ruvengo Farmers in Nyamakwe and Nyimai irrigation schemes are ruing their losses following a bout of cold spells which resulted in severe frost laying waste several hectares of winter maize and beans. The...
Stanslous Ruvengo Dozens of families in Chivi District are now poorer after an out-of-control blaze laid waste around four hectares of arable land hosting community gardens in Gwenyanya Village, under Chief Masunda,The wild fire...
Anesushe Mamhute Some farmers in Chiredzi are no longer discarding anything after harvesting sugarcane apparently after realizing that the trash can be turned into good feed for cattle, sheep and goats. Sugarcane trash is...
Luen Phiri Local journalists have been called upon to do their part to enhance ecological health by taking greater interest in covering issues of the environment. This encouragement came out of an environmental reporting...
Stanslous Ruvengo CHIVI – The Development Aid from People to People (DAPP), working in close cooperation with Chivi District Council, has introduced an affordable tsotso stove which utilizes little wood for fuel. For its...